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Friday, April 10, 2015

diet during pregnancy

what is the best diet during pregnancy?

what is the best food for pregnant during pregnancy from the first month to the last month?


There for many change hormones in pregnant which effect of mother and fetus, diet consider the most parameter in mother and baby in the womb, it is important to be very careful about diet during pregnancy. 


Diet in the first month: 

Pregnant should drink pure cow's milk  from 2 or 3 times per day, this milk should preferably without adding of any matter, this milk must be cool "room temperature oC ".

in addition, food and fruit with a high water content but Avoid foods that are not fresh, dry and hard in nature. 

Diet in the second month: 

Baby's blood formation from 6 weeks, so you should increase the formation of blood and the substances that are sweet, sour and oily natural only. You can eat Granada, beets, carrots and you can drink juice of Granada, grapes .in this month you can addition sweet substance such as sugar, liquorices to cow's milk. 

Diet in third month: 

In this month your fetus muscle development carried out, so you should drink milk with addition honey and ghee, but you must drink warms milk "avoid cool milk". The diet should be rich in pure ghee and sweet milk. you can increase of fruits such as apple,mango and  at., The removal of needs can adversely effect the growth of the baby in the womb. 

Diet in fourth month: 

In this month Turn of adipose tissue and the heart will be held for your fetus, so your diet should be rich in fat nature as pure ghee and butter, so you drink milk addition of pure butter from 2 or 3 times per day. 

Diet in fifth month: 

In this month Turn off the bone besides the development of the mind for your baby in the womb, so you must drink cow's milk with the addition of butter. you can eat nuts, almonds, cashews and fruits.  

Diet in sixth month: 

In this month development of wisdom, so you drink milk with pure ghee sweet substance likes sugar. You can increase of nuts, almonds and cashew. 
Pregnant woman should try to be calm and happy, you must relax all time. 

Diet in seventh month: 

The saffron milk could be included in general this month for better food 

Diet in eighth month: 

You can increase of Rice with pure butter and milk. Your food should always contain enough pure lard but you must avoid heavy or spicy food. 
Pregnant lady should try to be calm and happy, you must relax all time. 

Diet in ninth month: 

To avoid constipation in this month you increase of milk with ghee or mild laxative. Pregnant need massage for her body to be relax all time. 

Advice during pregnancy 

1-        Fresh food, smooth in nature and rich sweet taste of milk and ghee 
2-        Lunch and dinner should be as early as doable 
3-        Instead of heavy lunch and dinner you can eat  light food 3-4 times     per day 
4-        Fresh fish 

Avoid during pregnancy 

1-        dry  food in nature, such as pastries 
2-        diet mustn't be too sharp 
3-        Heavy digest foods such as pizza
4-        refrigerated foods 
5-        Peanuts 
6-        Caffeine 
7-        The raw meat 
8-        Alcohol 
9-        Smoking 

you can read the best ten advices to pregnant


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