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Sunday, March 22, 2015

the best food for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a critical time for women. Meanwhile, pregnant women should pay special attention to your diet for good nutrition to the fetus, but also themselves. Here are 4 ways before the best food for pregnant women. 

fruit,vegetables,vitamin c,pregnant
First, the fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C - to prevent preeclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is a serious complication that is likely to occur in late pregnancy. Great influence on the safety of pregnant women and fetuses. According to hundreds of investigations of preeclampsia and healthy pregnancy, experts have found that woman who take less vitamin C in the diet likely to suffer from preeclampsia. Therefore, experts recommend that pregnant women should take care to keep in fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C fresh, with no less than 85 mg / day. 

Second, Honey - to promote sleep and prevent constipation. In all natural foods, honey contains the highest amount of energy required for neurons of the brain. When pregnant women drink a glass of water with honey before bed can brings a calming affect on the body and improve sleep quality. Although a few drops of honey are added when drinking water, you can relax the intestines and effectively prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. 

fish,omega 3,pregnantThird, the fish - To avoid poor brain development of the fetus. Diets that the DHA content of fish is a type of essential fatty acids, which plays an important role in the formation of cell membranes from fetal brain. A study of tens of thousands of pregnant women some research experts have shown that consumption often fish during pregnancy may promote the growth and development of fetal brain cells. Therefore, experts recommend that pregnant women should eat fish at least once or twice a week to absorb enough DHA, to meet the needs of fetal brain development needs. In addition, eating fish once a week during pregnancy can also help reduce the risk of premature birth. 

soybeans,pregnant,fetusfourth,soybeans - to promote the construction of tissues and organs. Growth and development of the fetus requires many proteins. Is a base material for the differentiation of fetal cells and formation of fetal organs. Bean sprouts are rich in protein and vitamin A, which are essential not only for the fetus, but also possibly in the body of pregnant women to drink during labor and childbirth are stored supply feeding. In addition, you can also prevent postpartum hemorrhage and congestion and improve the quality of milk. As a result, the bean sprouts are ideal for pregnant vegetables. 


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